Thursday, May 31, 2012

organic farming

-Role of organic farming in conserving the health of soil and the wealth of the people.

What is organic farming?

Organic farming can be defined as an agricultural activity done mainly to maintain the fertility of the soil and for pest control. It strongly prohibits the use of synthetic fertilizers.
It uses the technology of crop rotation and biological pest control methods.
Products yielded through organic farming have been in great demand since the last decade or so. Organic farming covers almost 0.8% of the total area under farming throughout the world, which means more than 35 million hectares of land is already under organic farming. 

Soil Health conservation due organic farming

  • Organic farming has a positive effect on the ecosystem, as it proves vital in supporting the survival of wildlife in the lowlands.
  • This type of farming leads to a less toxic environment as far as the air, water and soil is concerned.
  • Organic farming preserves the soil by reducing soil erosion up to a large extent. It also enables the farmers to use the soil for a longer period of time to grow crops, as soil fertility is maintained for a long time in such a case.
  • Products or foodstuffs produced from organic farming do not contain any harmful chemicals.
  • The original nutritional content of food is preserved due to the absence of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Organic products are tastier than the products yielded from inorganic farming.
  • Organic farming automatically promotes diverse habitats. At such places, one will find a place full of life with animals, birds and insects.

People Wealth conservation due organic farming

  • Organic farming does not involve the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Due to this Organic farming reduces the production cost by about 25 - 30%. Which makes organic farming more profitable and very cost-effective. i.e conserve the wealth of farmer.
  • Consumption of products obtained from organic farming minimizes the risks of physical ailments such as heart attacks, cancer, and ever strokes. Scientific studies have proven that organic foods are healthier than the inorganic ones. In this way organic farming conserve health and wealth of people.

Hard Work

This small essay is My daughter Charu's speech in her IX Std.:

Nothing in this world comes easily, least of all, success. Take the example of Abraham Lincoln who worked hard, without ever getting disappointed of his countless failures, from the age of 21 till the age of 52, when he went on to become the President of the US. 
You do not come across success just by hoping for it. To achieve true success, you need the strength of mind and body to struggle and work hard to reach your fullest potential. You need the right attitude, self-discipline and the ability to put your goal before your own needs, if you are really driven towards reaching success. There is, after all no substitute for hard work, and as Henry Ford says, “The harder you work, the luckier you get” – the more successful you get!
Hard work is a key to success is a well-known saying.
Parents, teachers as well as others guide a child to work hard so that he/she can achieve good scores.
In my opinion “Hard work with diligence is a key to success”. Moreover if you are not doing the job, somebody else will grab the opportunity.
The good thing about working hard is, that for people who are driven towards their goal can enjoy their hard work and consequently, the work does not seem unduly grueling to them. When you begin to work hard towards achieving success, make sure to work smartly too. An intelligent working technique, along with relentless effort will go a long way in helping you achieve the success that you always desired.
I am summarizing my speech, “One need to remember that there are no short cuts to success. Hard work, complimented with an intense desire to struggle and to achieve success is the only sure shot way of reaching success that you have always wanted.”